Biked 20 km on Saturday and 47 km today to watch more villages being demolished, getting the usual stares, but above all, enjoying nature in the countryside and getting great exercise with a couple friends. Last week, however, was a bit more dramatic. I had just reached the coast when suddenly dark clouds brought forth pouring rain and my mobile rang. My wife called, a truck had just run into our van. I biked about 12 km as fast as I could in wind and rain and when I got to the scene, to my relief I found my wife ok and the only damage was both right-side doors. The problem now was that the truck driver begged us not to involve the police and the insurance company. He had hauled here from Inner Mongolia and offered to pay for the repairs. So together we went to the car repair shop (20+ km), the trucker and his co-driver, a security guard of our compound and myself. After trying to negotiate a lower price (he wanted me to pay one-third), he finally succumb after we got the quotation from the shop.

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