Yan Village, named after the Yan family that has lived there for centuries, or at least as long the remaining few residents can remember, will soon be completely vanished. Some of the buildings are over a 100 years old. Most of the village was demolished a few years ago, but now the 40 or so homes left standing will soon be a memory only, as the area is making space for new apartment buildings and villas.

Work is well under way now. Some residents are still holding out, hoping to negotiate a better compensation deal with the local authorities. One hold-out told me that he's not happy with the RMB 3000 (about US$400) per m2. Another elderly resident complained about all the different fees from the various government departments. Another person even claimed that she was being threatened by local gangs, and firmly believed that they had been hired by the authorities. A taxi driver friend confirmed that this is very possible.
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