It's been more than 3 weeks since my last entry. Fortunately my bike did not collect any dust; it's just that I didn't have my camera with me recently. Biked just over 50 km this past weekend.
Summer arrived about one month early in Shanghai (it officially starts when there are five consequetive days over 22 C), and we've already had temperatures over 30 C. Signs of global warming appear to be everywhere; higher temperatures, more mosquitos (mild winter), irregular rainfall. And if we have to believe Gore's Inconvenient Truth, then Shanghai will experience serious flooding later in this century.
Despite some overwhelming evidence, it's still amazing that the world and its citizens & leaders don't take more action. The ugliness of our human nature again presents itself in the worst possible forms: selfishness, greed, and short-sightedness. Taking better care of God's creation all boils down to the great command; we must love our neighbours as ourselves.
It hurts to see people shamelessly throw garbage on the ground, leave watertaps open, and leaving black smoke spewing vehicles unchecked, to name a few.
As I see what remains of our splendid nature on my bike trips in Pudong (pics below), I sometimes think, What if we lose all this?
1 comment:
It's me Evert.
Tom from Sydney
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